Our Place in the Environment
Our mission is to provide you, our guest, with an enjoyable stay with the least possible impact on the environment. Our guiding principles are manaakitanga – the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others – and kaitiakitanga, the concept of guardianship and protection of the environment.
The legacy we leave
It is up to all of us to be good ancestors; we aim to preserve the natural beauty of the Holiday Park and the wider area so future generations may enjoy it as we do today. This means carefully meeting the needs of today while giving thought to the needs of tomorrow.
Tāhuna Beach Holiday Park has 1km of coastline, bordering Tāhunanui Beach and the inlet known as Back Beach. This area is filled with life that we may not be aware of but is important to the healthy biodiversity of the ecosystem.
We are passionate about reducing our impact on the planet by:
- Looking at ways we can contribute to a circular economy (as opposed to a linear one, using our planet’s resources at an unsustainable rate)
- Reducing packaging and waste
- Sourcing sustainable products and services
- Taking action on climate change by reducing our carbon emissions from this business
- Minimising our water use and keeping pollution from our waterways.
Our carbon footprint
In May 2023 we measured our carbon footprint for the last three years – our energy usage, fuel consumption, water usage, and emissions. We are now working with an independent audit team to verify our workings then reduce and offset our emissions aiming for carbon neutral status. We will update this page as our journey progresses.
How you can be involved
We ask you as our guests, to play your part in our journey so we all preserve this beautiful environment for future holidays and generations. We have thousands of people stay with us each year which means a lot of rubbish comes with them and stays here.
You can help by ensuring you have put your rubbish in the correct bins, which minimises land fill. It’s as simple as that.